What I will help you do...

First of all, I am NOT an extreme couponer. I am a mama who likes to save money. Following me is an easy process. I will go through the weekly sales and ads. I will find the best deals, show you which coupons to use, and if you follow me, you WILL SAVE MONEY!!
I understand you may never have a need to buy certain products. But here is the thing. Buying that product for FREE might get you something you do need for your home for FREE. So, when you get your coupon inserts in the newspaper or in ALL You, SAVE THEM. That way when a deal presents itself you can get it!
Feel free to comment on any posting if you find a better sale or have trouble with a coupon printing. I need to know this stuff too. Also, feel free to send me any questions or comments. Thank you for visiting!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today's New Coupons (6-22-2011)

Here are some new ones that just came out today:  PRINT BEFORE THEY ARE GONE!!

$2 off Advil 20 ct +, Migraine 20 ct +, PM 16 ct +, Congestion Relief 10 ct + or Children's, excl trial printable
.50/2 Dole Pineapple cans printable
$3 off Equinyl joint supplement printable
.75/1 Keebler Granola Fudge bars, 6 ct printable
$1/2 Keebler or Sunshine multipk, 11.52 oz + printable
$1/2 Keebler Toasted crackers, 8 oz + printable
$1/2 Nestle Pure Life water, 20 pk printable
$1/2 Nestle Toll House chips, 10 oz + printable
$1 off Pine Sol product, 28-48 oz printable
.75/1 Salada Green or White tea printable
$2 off Scotch Pop-Up Deskgrip dispenser printable
$2 off Seventh Generation diapers, training pants or wipes printable
$2 off Weleda facial care printable

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